Physicians and Doctors

Nurses & Midwives
Practicing Physicians

The Medical History of Milwaukee -Physcians

Source: The Medical History of Milwaukee, By Louis Frederick Frank. Published 1915. Germania Publishing Co.

Arrival of New practioners:

Barber, Lucius I.
Bigelow, A.
Castleman, Alfred L.
Chase, Enoch
Gorham, Wm. Meeker
Hewitt, Jesse S.
Loomis, Hubbell
Messinger, John A.
Noyes, Thomas J.
Proudfit, Wm. P.
Weeks, Lemuel W.

Population: 700. 
Total number of physicians : 10. 
Rate per 1000 : 70. 

Arrival of new practitioners :  
Wolcott Erastus

Population: 2000(estimated)
Total number of physicians: 8
Rate per 1000: 250

Arrival of new practioners:  
Bartlett, John K.

Population: 2500 (estimated)
Total number of physicians : 9
Rate per 1000 : 273.

Arrival of new practitioners :
Dousman, John B.
Huebschmann, Francis.

Population: 6000 (estimated).
Total number of physicians : 11. 
Rate per 1000: 545.

Arrival of new practitioners : 
Bean, Walker L.
Kalckhoff, Ferdinand
Luening, Frederick August 
Marsh, E. B.

Population 6400 (estimated). 
Total number of physicians : 14. 
Rate per 1000 : 1 :450. 

Arrival of new practitioners : 
Bristol, J. 
Hoyt, E. R. 
Johnson, James 

Population: 8000 (estimated). 
Total number of physicians : 16. 
Rate per 1000 : 1 :500. 

Arrival of new practitioners : 
Greves, James P.
Selby, Jeremiah B.
Wilcox, F. M.

Population: 9499 (estimated). 
Total number of physicians : 24. 
Rate per 1000 : 1 :395.

Arrival of new practitioners: 
Blanchard, Azariali
Spalding, J. F. 
Dunovan, James. 
Stadler, Joseph 
Fletcher, R. 
Whitney, James P. 
Hard, H. M.
Wunderly, Chas. E. 
Smith, Henry.

Practicing Physicians

As listed in the 1857-58 Milwaukee City Directory
Erving, Burdick & Co. 205 and 207 East Water Street

(following this list is a list of 1886 Physicians)

BAKER:  Erasmus D.
Concert Hall Building, h Clybourn, bt Seventh and Eighth

12 Wisconsin, bds Menomonee Hotel

288 Milwaukee

BAEYER:  Frederick
Reed, bt Florida and Virginia, W.

BEDUND:  David
Monroe, bt Washington and Scott, W.

Main, bt Wisconsin and Michigan, h 171 Van Buren

BRANDEKE:  Frederick
Vliet, bt Fourth and Fifth

NE cor Fifth and Galena

Homeopathic, SE cor Main and Wisconsin
h Jefferson, bt Division and Knapp

BRUMMEL:  August
cor Main and Oneida

Homeopathic, South Water, bt Virginia and Park

CLAPP:  Frank C.
Virginia, bt Hanover and Greenbush

CRUGOM:  James
291 Milwaukee

COSSACK:  Gustave
Hydropathic, 530 Jefferson

51 Wisconsin, h 475 Jefferson

Homeopathic, 25 Wisconsin, h 59 Mason

51 Wisconsin, h 86 Mason

DOWE:  J. C.
341 Jefferson

DUELL:  Hilyer
Surgeon, SE cor Grove and Scott

DYSON:  Betsey
Female physician, 98 Michigan

Prentiss Block

FAIKA: Charles
Third, bt Chestnut and Poplar

FESSEL:  Christian
255 East Water

FIELD: Vincent
Thirteenth, bt Galena and Cherry

FUCHS:  Albert
220 Main

GARNER:  John E.
SW cor Milwaukee and Oneida

GORHAM:  William
Fifth, bt Cedar and Tamarack, E. 

GREENE:  Roderick R.
169 East Water

Scott, bt Brown and Baulding, S.

GREVES:  James P.
Homeopathic, 25 Wisconsin, bds L. Kennedy

Homeopathic, cor E. Water and Mason, Preuser’s Block

GUNNING:  Frederick A. 
NE cor Main and Oneida

Chestnut, near Fifth

32 Wisconsin

NE cor Hanover and Scott

Third, bt Vliet and Cherry

319 East Water

HOYT:  Moses C.
NW cor Cass and Oneida

HUNDHAUSEN:  Frederick W. 
Chestnut, bt Sixth and Seventh

Clybourn, bt Fifth and Sixth, S. 

NE cor Van Buren and Oneida

JUNG:  Francis F.
249 East Water

24 Chestnut

24 Chestnut

Third, bt Sycamore and Clybourn, E.

35 Chestnut

LAKE:  Lafayette
cor South Water and Clinton
h Greenbush, bt Virginia and Park, W.

LAKE:  Waldo W.
17 Wisconsin, h 419 Milwaukee

NE cor Main and Oneida

MAIR:  A. J.
NW cor Wisconsin and Main

7 Martin’s Block, h Milwaukee, bt Oneida and Biddle, E.

MEYER:  Lewis
SW cor Twelfth and Galena

300 Third

MUNK:  Emanuel
SW cor East Water and Martin

NAUMANN:  Herman
Market Square, near Oneida

ORTALLI:  Francis
SW cor East Water and Oneida

Homeopathic, 26 Main, h Fifth, bt Spring and Wells

Walnut, bt Sixth and Seventh

369 Third

318 Milwaukee

255 East Water

177 East Water, bds L. Ferneke

Prairie, bt Seventh and Eighth

Virginia, bt Hanover and Greenbush, N. 

STADLER:  Joseph
SE cor Vliet and Fifth

THORN:  Samuel S.
Wisconsin, near Milwaukee, h 68 Marshall

TRACY:  L. M. 
Homeopathic, 26 Main, bds Mrs. Livingston

TYRREL:  Gerard
251 Main, bds H. Rockey

366 Main

VAN HOUTER:  Frederick
Fifteenth, bt Galena and Walnut

263 Third

WILHELM:  Charles
East Water, bt Martin and Johnson, W.

WOLCOTT: Erastus B.
NW cor Wisconsin and Jefferson

Monroe, opposite Florida, W.

WUNDSCH:  Edward
331 Third

Herman Naumann


As listed in Polk's Medical and Surgical Directory 1886
BAY VIEW, population 2,900
BATCHELER, W. A.		No report received

MILWAUKEE, population 165,000
ADLER, Louis			Vienna University, Austria, 1847
46 Division

ALLEN, Asa A.			New York Homeopathic Medical College
232 Wisconsin			New York City, 1876

ALLEN, James M.
159 Wisconsin

BACH, James A.			Michigan University, 1884
48 Division

BADE, H. F. 			No report received
556 Fifth

BARTLETT, Edwin W.		University of Vermont, 1866
422 Jefferson			Asst. Phy. and Surg. Kings Co. Hospital, 1876
					Student at Paris and Vienna, 1868-69
					Ex-Pres. Wis. Med. Soc. 

BARTLETT, John K.		Yale College, Med. Dept. 
220 Pleasant			New Haven, Connecticut, 1841

BATCHELOR, William A.		Dept. of Medicine 
Bay View				University of Pennsylvania
					Philadelphia, 1884

BECKER, Francis			Univ. of Bonn, Germany, 1838
701 Chestnut

BEEBE, Eugene W.		Hahnemann Med. College, Chicago, 1866
173 Wisconsin			Member American Institute Homeopathy and 
					American Ophthalmology and Otol. Society
					Secretary Wisconsin State Homeopathic 
					Medical Society

BETZEL, Charles W.		Munich University
346 Fourth

BINDSCHEDLER, Emil		Zurich, Switzerland, 1873
409 National

BINGHAM, Helen M.		Boston Univ. School of Medicine (Homeopathic)
170 Division			Boston, Massachusetts, 1881

BIRKHAEUSER, Joseph E.		Bonn Univ. of Germany, 1855
88 Wisconsin

BLACKMAN, L. A. 		No report received
Kensington Inf.  

BLACKMAN, Mrs. M. L. 		No report received
463 Broadway

BODE, Henry F. 			No report received
556 Fifth

BOORSE, Lorenzo			Rush Medical College, 1881
1431 Vliet

BRENDECKE, Frederick		Univ. of Berlin, 1835
462 Fifth

BROWN, Daniel T.		Homeopathic Hospital College
410 Milwaukee			Cleveland, Ohio, 1858

BROWN, Horace M. 		Univ. of the City of New York
410 Milwaukee			Med. Dept. New York City, 1880

BROWN, R. B. 			Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons in City of NY
					(Medical Dept. of Columbia College)
					New York City, 1864

CARLSON, Oscar W.		Hahnemann College, Chicago, 1872
425 Milwaukee

CAVANEY, James			Rush Medical College, 1879
4th and Grand Avenue		Member Columbia Co. Med. Soc.

CONRATH, Jacob			No report received
1221 Vliet

COPELAND, Ernest		Medical College of Indiana, 1879
609 Grand Avenue
311 Reed

CROOKER, Titus			M.R.C.S. England, 1863
119 Wisconsin			Toronto School of Medicine
					Ontario, 1859

DANFORTH, Harry W.		Chicago Medical College 
425 Milwaukee			Med. Dept. of Northwestern Univ.
					Chicago, 1881

DANFORTH, Willis		Rock Island Med. Coll., 1849
425 Milwaukee			former Prof. of Surgery Hahnemann Med. Coll.
					Surg. & Supt. of Hahnemann Hosp., Chicago
					Prof. Gynecological Surg., 
					Chicago Homeopathic College

DE BESCHE, Joh			Christiana Univ., 1880
359 Hanover

DODGE, Nehemiah			Jefferson Med. College
221 Grand Avenue		Philadelphia, 1873

DORLAND, James			McGill Univ., Med. Dept.
202˝ Grand Avenue		Montreal, Que., 1875

EARLES, Wm. H.			Rush Medical College
655 Third				Chicago, 1880

EGGERS, Wm.			Univ. of Greifswalde
541 Greenfield Avenue		Prussia, 1856

FARNHAM, A. Bradford		Bellevue Hosp. Med. College
477 E. Water			New York City, 1876

FEUER, Martin A.		Member State Homeopathic Soc.
654 Ninth

FISHER, John W. 		Rush Medical College
117 Mason				Chicago, 1877

FLYNN, Lytton			No report received
136 Grand

FORD, Mrs. Julia		Homeopathic Hosp. Coll. of Cleveland, 1871
375 Greenbush	

FOX, Wm. 			Rush Medical College
179 Oneida			Chicago, 1870

FRANK, Louis F.			N.Y. Univ. Med. Coll., 1878
82 Division			Wurzburg, Germany, 1879

FRENCH, Samuel W.		Harvard Univ. Medical School
1216 Grand Avenue		Boston, 1878

FRISBY, Almah J.		Boston Univ. School of Med. (Homeopathic)
489 Milwaukee			Boston, 1883

FROST, Reuben F.		Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons
Broadway				Baltimore, Md., 1882

GAWRZYJELSKI, Paul		Med. Coll. of Indiana, 1884
409 Mitchell

GOLLEY, Frank B.		Univ. of Michigan, 
116 Grand				Dept. of Medicine and Surgery
					Ann Arbor, 1878

GRAETTINGER, Alois		Chicago Medical College
383 Fifth				(Med. Dept. of Northwestern Univ.)
					Chicago, 1865

GRAY, Nathaniel A.		No report received
174 Wisconsin

GRICER, Andrew B.		Chicago Medical College, 1882
326 Grove				Member State Medical Society

HAND, Walter S.			No report received
85 Wisconsin

HANNA, Isaac W.			Rush Medical College, 1880
330 Grove				Univ. of N.Y., 1885

HANSON, Moses P.		Bowdoin Med. College, 1837
415 Sycamore

HARE, Andrew J.			Boston Univ. School of Medicine, 1877
162 Wisconsin			Formerly Surg. National Soldiers’ Home

HARPKE, Henry			Univ. Wurzburg, Germany, 1859
345 Third

HATCHARD, Thomas		M.R.C.S. London, England, 1840
387 Jefferson

HERDEGEN, Robert		No report received
276 Fifth

HILLWEG, Charles A.		Hahnemann Med. Coll. and Hospital
436 Milwaukee			Chicago, 1878

HINZ, Ferdinand N.		Hahnemann Med. Coll. and Hospital
626 First Avenue		Chicago, 1879

HOENES, Daniel A. 		No report received
1024 North

HIRSCHBUEHL, Anton		Univ. Tubingen, Germany, 1849
Bay View

HOUGHMAN, Charles		Opthalmic and Aural Surgeon
220 Wisconsin

JOBSE, Wm.			Chicago Med. College, 1884
1221 Vliet

JOHN, Frederick C.		Univ. Bonn, 1852
283 Ninth				Hahnemann of Chicago, 1880

JOHN, Frederick F.		Hahnemann, Chicago, 1883
283 Ninth

JUERGENS, Henry A. 		Schroth Modified Method Cure
573 Seventh

JUNGE, Henry			Bennett Med. Coll., Chicago, 1878
(Eclectic)			Member Wis. Eclectic Soc.
643 Third

KALKHOFF, Alphonse, F.		Rush Medical College, 1876
419 Milwaukee		

KASTEN, Julius			Univ. Gottingen, 1856
692 Van Buren

KENSINGTON, Milo L.		No report received
461 Broadway

KOLLAR, Karl			No report received
420 Clinton

KOVATS, Edmund			Univ. Vienna, 1870
1026 Wells

KRAMER, Ernst			Frederick William’s Univ. 
526 Broadway			Berlin, Prussia, 1856
					Pres. US Board Examining Surgs. for Pensions

KUEMMEL, Ernst			St. Louis Med. Eclectic Coll., 1882
312 Second Avenue		Member of N.I. of E.M. of U.S.

LADD, George D.			Rush Med. Coll., Chicago, 1875
136 Wisconsin			Member State Med. Soc.

LANG, Jacob			Leipsic, 1877
824 Walnut

LANG, Jacob J.			No report received
824 Walnut

LAUGLAND, Peter			Chicago Med. College
412 Grove				(Med. Dept. of Northwestern Univ.)
					Chicago, 1875

LEFFINGWELL, Hiram S.		St. Louis Med. College, 1863
88 Wisconsin			Member State Med. Soc.

LEWIS, Joseph			Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago, 1875
330 Hanover			Member State Soc. and 
					American Institute of Homeopathy

LINDENSCHMIDT, Fred J.		Chicago, Med. College, 1883
Corner Third & Prairie		Hours: 8–10; 1–3; 7–9

MCGUFFIN, James			Philadelphia College, 1874
(Eclectic)			Eclectic Philadelphia Coll., 1877
163 Mason

MCKNIGHT, Lewis			Dept. of Medicine of Univ. of Penna.
Ins. Building			Philadelphia, 1841

MCLEOD, E. S. 			No report received
412 Milwaukee

MCLEOD, John A. 		Michigan Univ., 1878
420 Milwaukee			Hours: 9–10; 2–4

MCNAMARA, Francis E.		Hahnemann Med. College & Hospital
416 Milwaukee			Chicago, 1879

MCNAMARA, Francis F.		Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons
580 Broadway			Dublin, Ireland, 1848

MACKIE, Wm.			Univ. Aberdeen, Scotland, AM, 1876
112 Wisconsin			M.B. and M.C., 1879, M. D. 1881
Residence – 
1103 Grand Avenue

MARDEN, Frederick A.		Long Island College Hospital
426 Milwaukee			Brooklyn, N.Y., 1874

MARKS, Solon			Rush Med. College, 1853
136 Wisconsin			Surg. CM & StP Ry. and St. Mary’s Hospital

MARTIN, Robert			Starling Medical College
207 Greenbush			Columbus, Ohio, 1875

MASON, Darius			Coll. Phys. and Surg., NY, 1853
420 Milwaukee			Surg. St. Mary’s Hospital
					Member American Med. Assn. 

MEACHEM, Edward H.G.		Geneva Medical College
241 Hanover			Geneva, NY, 1843

MELENDY, M. Ries		No report received
323 Third

MENDEL, Jacob			Breslau Univ., 1870
433 Milwaukee

MERVILLE, Hiram P. 		Univ. of Buffalo Med. Dept.
459 National			Buffalo, NY, 1867

MESSENGER, Daniel B.  		No report received		
2409 Chestnut

MEYER, Wm.			Rush Medical College, 1879
513 Twelfth			Member State Med. Soc.

MINER, George B.		No report received
117 Wisconsin

MUELLER, Frank			Chicago Medical College, 1879
606 Chestnut			Asst. Surg. Bd. of Health

MULHOLAND, John M.		Eclectic Med. Inst. Cincinnati, 1875
13 Main Pittston (sic)			Member Nat. Eclectic Med. Assn. 

MUNRO, Sarah			Woman’s Med. College of Pennsylvania
702 Grand Avenue		Philadelphia, 1872

NAUMAN, Herman			Jena University, Saxony, 1851
471 Broadway

NEDDEN, Frederick Z.		Hahnemann Med. College & Hospital
Corner Walnut and 12th		Chicago, 1883

NEILSON, Walter H.		Rush Medical College
758 Twelfth			Chicago, 1881

NEUMEISTER, Anthony E.		Chicago Homeopathic College, 1885
457 and 459 Milwaukee

O’BRIEN, James S.		Rush Medical College
146 Huron				Chicago, 1885

OGDEN, Henry V.			McGill Univ. Med. Dept. 
416 Milwaukee			Montreal, Que., 1882

OHLEMANN, Max			Gottingen Univ., 1874
229 Eleventh

OLMSTED, Charles C.		Homeopathic Hospital College
418 Milwaukee			Cleveland, 1860

ORTON, Charles H. 		Queen’s Med. Coll. Toronto, Ont., 1848
325 Hanover			Ex-City and Co. Naval Examiner, 
					Pension and Health Surgeon

OTTO, John H. 			Univ. of the City of New York, Med. Dept.
174 Wisconsin			(Univ. Med. Coll.) New York City, 1885

PALMER, Charles M. 
203 Eleventh

PALMER, Van R. A.		No report received
Kinnickinnic Ave. & Lincoln

PAULY, Ludwig			Chicago Homeopathic Med. Coll.
805 Walnut			Chicago, 1879

RAMIN, Frederick		Univ. Christiana, Norway
359 Hanover

RANDALL, Samuel J.		Pulte Med. Coll., Cincinnati, 1880
436 Milwaukee			Pres. Co. Med. Soc.
					State Medical Soc.

RAYNOR, Wm. C.			Hahnemann Med. College, Chicago
408 Grand Avenue		Member Co. Medical Society

REGAN, John N.			Long Island College Hospital
427 Milwaukee			Brooklyn, NY, 1868