William Bramwell Sizer Diaries
July 1914

Milwaukee County Police Department

These diaries are a mixture of work and family affairs of William Bramwell Sizer. William was on the Milwaukee Police Department and a member of the Sherman Street Methodist Episcopal Church, later transferring their membership to Kingsley Methodist Episcopal Church and died in 1916. The diaries give a pretty good view of life in the years involved. The diaries were given to me for presentation on this site by family members see contributors page.

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JULY 1914

58 deg. W wind. fair. Rain during the night. Warmer toward noon. Ada came & went to the bank for us. Also sent check to Pt. for lot.

. 58 deg. Fair. N wind. Everett came this morn & injected more medicine. Suffered a great deal duting the night. Check by mail from Police Dept. Bett's & wife called this PM. Walked around some this PM. Ada went to Bank for us. Wm. Beck came. Bill for water meter.

60 deg. W wind. Fair. Cool. Felt mean & bad all day. Everett came & injected more serum. Sore throst. Eve. Art & Ada took us for a ride. Beck came & collected for Water Meter. Sent check to Fuel co. for fuel.

60 deg. W wind. Fair. Warm. Real well this morn. Walter, Ida & Milton, Art & Ada came to dinner at 11 AM. Then we all went to Waukesha Beach. Had a nice time. Home before dark. I was tired out & went to bed. the rest went to Wash. Park to see the fire works.

70 deg. W wind. Fair. Rheumatism again. Home all day suffering. Kohlstedt called.

70 deg. W wind. Fair. Down flat with Rheumatism. Everett called.

60 deg. W wind. Fair. Everett came & I'm down flat for some time to come.

60 deg. NE wind. Fair. Cool. Had good night but flat on my back. Everett came & put 5 shots in my leg. Art came in eve. Milton came to see his Grampa & bro't flowers.

56 deg. NE wind. Fair. Cool. Bad night. Reaction of injections. Gave me chills, afterwards fever & sweat followed. Bed clothes soaked. Art came this morn. & shaved me with safety razor.

60 deg. Variable wind. Fair. Generally SE. Bad night. Art & Ada came at 6 AM. Minnie went to the market. Everett came at 10 o'c & moved me to the bedroom. Ed called in the eve. Walter Hinnrichs bro't me a flower.

70 deg. W wind. Fair. Hot. Clouding toward eve.

[ This is the last entry in the diary series from 1886 to this date, 1914.]

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