St. Kilian Cemetery

Town of Hartford, Washington County, Wisconsin


This is a partial listing of burials in this cemetery.

If a name is underlined it is linked to an obituary.

To facilitate your search the surnames of the wife, when known have been cross indexed.

If I know the source of the information, I have noted it as Source:
If no source is available it may have been from an anonymous donor.

Key to Abbreviations
b: = Date Born
res: = Residence
m: = Date married
p: = Parents
d: = Date/place died


We currently do not have any further information on the history of this cemetery.


We have no information on if there are records available for this cemetery.


Margaret (Fitzgerald) Whelan/b. December 9, 1866/d. April 15, 1944/oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzgerald/wife of Thomas Whelan